Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it's among at numerous sunny constellation and its stars formed a dazzling pattern.

Seasons Note: If the map does not help observing, please use the following big picture, and viewing formulas (the larger picture, showing slow please be patient, it is best to watch afterward to the calculator so that clearer), the observatiin due time another so there will be some distinctions between the Star Chart.
Yuchun vase Star
Compass School recognized that the East
bucket hanging handle the two stars refers to the Arctic port
find the lion cross the Arctic Fang Xiangqing
lying first-class spring night
star Regulus Arcturus Bootes

stars along the shank tiny tour
Xiaxia shank along to the South namely summer to
Scorpio Sagittarius close relating suffer
along the Milky Way Tian Qin north side to see
Eagle flying swans row
Weaver Galaxy color distortion
Antares Red Star summer according to the South fighting
remember by heart
Qiuqiu Autumn Dipper Cassiopeia
horizon air-liter five-star fairy
blank word refers to the quadrilateral
Fei Maling according to the night sky constellation Perseus Algol

Southern Star will become less days of quiet Leung-sing < br> Fomalhaut season lofty light shining into the Samsung
Subaru into a team of winter glittering red bow hunters

Taurus stars bright bright star
Charioteer pentagon < br> Tianhe
winter sky kite flying upon the acknowledged constellation Sirius the brightest daytime
Idiom days
mm Spring Star Star
spring evening was fascinating. Milky Way from the south starting airing streams north, west chief slightly bent. Milky Way to the west of the stars of several well-known winter constellation: Taurus, Orion, Canis Major as close to the western horizon and difficult to scrutinize the change. Cassiopeia in the Milky Way's , Perseus, the constellation is not easy to see the Charioteer.
north of the zenith, meridian circle is Ursa Major, the Big Dipper hung in the sky, almost close to the zenith, pail knob pointing to the east, so there is in ancient China ; East refers to the shank, and the earth are the spring a star); a few stars along the shank (d, e, z,shanghai massage, e) even amplify out into the curve, you can find Arcturus, Bootes is the most bright (a) star, luminous in the east sky orange glow. the Big Dipper from the shank of the curve extended double Arcturus can find another bright star Spica, Virgo it is a star. and then continue to patrol to the southwest, can be found in the makeup of the four small stars quadrilateral, which is Corvus. This started shank and ends with a big arc Corvus, is the famous > saw south, the magnificent Leo is the sky, it is the spring evening sky in the center of the brain favor a sickle tail like a triangle, the first West End East, many like a lion. It is the brightest (a) star, phoned Regulus, in the ecliptic, the moon and planets are often run to its proximity. Leo the south across the sky, Hydra, the first West End East, have entire been demonstrated in the sky. the Hydra's tail, Spica one small cozy to see southwest of Corvus, extra bright stars.
Cancer Leo the west, is an of the twelve constellations, of which there is a visible Beehive Cluster (M44) is famous. Cancer is a zodiacal constellation west of Gemini, a few bright stars form a rectangle, the brightest of the two is the North River III (b) and Castor (a).
by the horn, Spica and Leo b star form triangle, known as the River Altair Galaxy two the visible to the nude eye globular cluster (M13). Hercules west, there are seven small star, circled in a semicircle, which is pretty Corona Borealis, Bootes is beyond west.
northern sky, in Ursa Major Big Dipper is on the northwest sky, shank adviser. with Compass II (b) and a Compass (a) extend the connection to find the North Star. Polaris is Ursa Minor (a). Four Seasons are all signs emerging stars annual later annual, rotating around it. south of Ursa Minor is Draco winding, it is on the meridian. Draco's head by the b, g, n, x four-star form, is a small four- square.
is Xiaye Xing in the South Tengen mammoth and spectacular airborne Scorpio, the constellation consists of a few bright stars form a ten head west, east of the scorpion tail. Scorpio is the brightest star of the first Antares b (a), also known as the fire, with red color. Scorpio a, s, t Samsung and Aquila a, b, g Samsung relatively far galaxy.
Altair along the Milky Way from the south, can be found in Sagittarius, one of the 6 stars (m, l, p, d, t, x) form the the intention of the center.
by the Vega and Altair, chronic southeast to the extension of the connection, can be found in the composition of the dark star Capricorn.
Star of the West summer, lions, crows and other constellations will sink, and the eastward sky usher in the autumn sky fairy, and other important constellation Pegasus.
fall of Pegasus in the sky mm Star
, yet close to the northern horizon and difficult to see.
aboard the horizon in the northeast of the shine star is Capella (Auriga a). along the Perseus Galaxy is up, fairy potentate, and so the constellation Cassiopeia. with Sin rear e, d, g angle bisector Samsung tin also ascertain the North Star. Perseus b star, in the appoint Algol is a prominent variable star edible. Cepheus d star, in the appoint of a Cepheid is a renowned Cepheid-type variable stars. west of Bootes, the constellation Ophiuchus, etc. is worked, the atmosphere just days Xiaye Xing Qin, Eagle,toronto escorts, Swan and additional signs are still in the atmosphere.
stars fall tour, from the top of the head direction of the quadrilateral by the Pegasus three bright stars (a, b, g), and Andromeda's bright star (a) constitute a very eye-catching.
the east side of the quadrilateral corner extends to the northern sky (from flying MA Block, a star g star to the Andromeda extension), via Cassiopeia, you can find the North Star, extending southward along the baseline, can be found in Cetus A bright star (b). This long north-south line almost ascent position Oh, and remember it very easy to estimate the position of the stars.
the west side of the quadrilateral edge extends to the southern sky (that is, from Pegasus b stars extends to a star), in the south by low top can be bright autumn sky to find the famous star Fomalhaut (Piscis a star), the north Piscis Capricorn, Aquarius are the lack of bright stars, is not easy to nail. northward along the baseline, can be found in Cepheus.
From the fall of the northeast edge of the quadrilateral to persist to the northeast along the extension of Andromeda can be base along the 3 components of the Perseus Liexing. quadrilateral east and south in autumn and a lot of Cetus Pisces. Pisces o stars, the name is Mira is a famous variable star. and joined to the square of Pegasus is Andromeda senior, in the northwardly of Andromeda b stars have a nude eye of the extragalactic (M31), also known for the Andromeda galaxy.
Eastern horizon Aung bunch has appeared, and it will be back the bright winter constellation.
strong mm Orion Star
winter night sky in winter is magnificent! day Orion is the most famous winter the center of the night sky, it's among by many bright constellation and its stars formed a dazzling pattern.
autumn winter location of the galaxy's just the inverse, Xiegua sky from southeast to northwest, the famous big dog, Orion, Gemini, Taurus, Charioteer, Perseus, Cassiopeia descending array by the southeast to the northwest approximately the galaxy.
Big Dipper in the north is rising. shank down, pointing north. Polaris and the Big Dipper across the opposite is the fairy king, Cassiopeia. northwestern horizon, most of Cygnus could not see, merely Deneb in the twilight in the low light. Auriga Capella star of the first (a) , near the zenith,Of lesson not, at high altitude emits a bright glow. Auriga i, a, b, t and Taurus form a great pentagon b star in the Milky Way visible.
most bold , of lesson, hanging in the southern sky, the Orion, which consists of a, g, b, k form a rectangular four-star, is thought of as a heroic hunter. caught in the bright red star Betelgeuse (Orion a star) and the pearly light star Rigel (Orion b star) among the Samsung (Orion d, e, z) is quite acceptable, in our folk call it the Samsung. Samsung no distant under, there is a visible gas nebula, that is, the famous Orion Nebula.
south along the east look to Samsung, the brightest day can be found in Sirius (Canis Major a star). in the east Betelgeuse, and another bright star Procyon (Canis Minor a star.) Betelgeuse, Sirius and Procyon composed the famous Samsung looked to the northwest, the other a red light can be found in star Aldebaran (Taurus, a star), near Aldebaran form a few small star> fashioned, are the famous days of questing to the north can be seen from the 6 to 7 small stars formed the Sculptor, Auriga Capella is the chief star a very bright star. along the Rigel and Betelgeuse looked to the northeast of connections can be found two bright stars, which is the North River III (b Gemini Star ) and Castor (Gemini, a star). to Capella, the North River III, Procyon, Sirius, Rigel, Aldebaran connected, may form the spectacular appended knowledge
1 star draft star the size of the shape represents a different light and dark stars.
2 star point is to recognize the connection between the stars that go together lightly, such train does not exist in the sky line ( I have the incipient book, immediately know what the primer, and sweat a)
3 stars at the outset peek will feel crowded, I do not know where to recognize, the fact, as long to find some bright stars, such as the Big Dipper, Orion, Samsung, Scorpio Samsung, Pegasus four-star and so on, and slowly will also know the other signs.

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