Saturday, April 23, 2011

in fact

Just read a friend < < for their own cup of tea > > article , in fact, seems to feel yourself really is a pretty and silence .
blink of an eye , at the end of 2006 days, Everyone is busy, busy for assorted reasons . favor a friend sometimes tired forever complain : Work, slept nice , to be honest , this feeling for a long time no .....< br> So it myself a cup of green tea, the significance of which namely to take vantage of the outdoor earth in creating one atmosphere peerless to their own More comfortable about light static .
blog looking by friends , listening to their favorite music, OK, this feeling does no understand while will be there, so I must adore this moment .
Friends of the blog focus aboard understanding the superficial lines , suddenly found tea chilly .....< br> In fact, life is such .....< br> To be frank, some friends attach, it truly feels Comfortable, even if I were you met , the variety of concern, the variety of tacit comprehending ......< br> Beautiful !

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