Wednesday, April 27, 2011

approximately 10

Environmental Calendar
2 月 2 Day International Wetlands Day
1971 年 2 on 2 May in Ramsar, Iran signed a global inter-governmental Convention on Wetlands Convention on Wetlands On this day, government agencies, massive and small organizations and inhabitants tin take action to heave public awareness of wetland merits ​​and benefits of learning, especially knowledge of the Convention on Wetlands.
3 月 12 日 Chinese Arbor Day
Arbor Day Nebraska. April 10, 1872, Morton in Nebraska Landscape Association held a meeting, proposed the establishment of large importance to Day. the state adopted a Morton's suggestion to set April 10 Arbor Day as the state, and in 1932 the world's premier Arbor Day seal issue, the picture of two babies in tree planting.
1979 年 2 months, China's fifth sixth meeting of the Standing Committee resolved that the annual The March 12 as Arbor Day in China.
3 月 22 World Water Day
1993 年 1 18,shanghai massage, the forty-seventh United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to resolve the 22 March each year for Water Day make more famous campaign the environmental protection activities, as Xinghuoliaoyuan. throughout the United States a absolute of more than 2000 folk attended, about 10,000 schools, 2,000 colleges and universities and the country's major groups heeded the accident, the day became the first Earth Day.
1972 National Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm, United Nations Environment Programme was built in 1973, after the administration environmental protection agencies and unions increasing worldwide, Earth Day, have played an major role. So Earth Day has convert a universal event, China since 1990, held each year to commemorate Earth Day campaign.
5 月 22 Day International Day for Biological Diversity
into effect.
biodiversity is life ashore Earth in all forms, levels of life variety, including ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity of life on Earth billions of annuals later the outcome of evolutionary development,protecting truce contention. jade jewelry has been begging folk along,toronto escort, but too the matter root of people survival.

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