Thursday, May 5, 2011

normal disasters international in recent years

All entities on globe, interdependence, constitute a vibrant biosphere. Mankind is an of them, but the past few centuries, mankind powerful, it becomes greed, and mania. We break the environment, to live in them animals a turn. We raised instantly to the animals slaughtered: Tibetan antelope was hounded in batches, for the West ladies do like it down shawl; in order to export bear bile abrasive, to nearly ten thousand bears disembowelling; a brutal Animal Sanctuary,shenzhen massage, an animal to ascertain out the wire imprison to occupy more than ten thousand; panda is our national treasures, whatever, only between 1983 -1998 there is merely the tragic necrosis of 60 persons in the poaching of brutal pistol hh unlawful commerce in animals has been and narcotic trafficking, weapon trafficking and the evil understood as the world's three major yearly trading volume of 10 billion U.S. dollars! large number of species are extinct alternatively jeopardized so. dinosaur era, every 1,000 years 1 category of extinct creatures; 19th centenary,beijing massage, extinct every 4 years a; now extinct 4 per hour. each category in the edible chain is one indispensable chapter of each species perished or dripped will cause a series of disasters. Nature is lenient, but also righteousness. if things go on, male himself will become an endangered animal.
NASA (NASA) in December 2007 based above the latest satellite file announced namely Arctic ice namely blend many faster rate than formerly prophesied; in consensus with the speed of Arctic ice in 2012 completely melted ahead the end of the summer! ice melt and sea ice melt caused a chain reaction: 80% of sea ice ambition reflect solar heat, sea ice disappears, 90% of the heat from the sun ambition enter sea, the warm water will quicken the blend of the ice,namely namely narrow apt Japan, forming a vicious cycle. The outcome namely a actual mushroom in sea level; natural disasters such as tornadoes, floods, droughts more prevalent and so caustic; ocean warming, and then there are a large digit of potential release of toxic gas experience out. We inhaling toxic gases and poisoning the oceans. These will send the fatal global people disaster.
natural disasters worldwide in recent years, increased significantly,beijing escort, Myanmar cyclone killed 7.8 million folk, Wenchuan Earthquake we lose 7 million compatriots. We ought care more lives and protect our family planet, to the sky bluer, the water is more remove in order to be competent to freely singing birds, beauteous family because generations of mankind,shanghai escort, Let us act immediately.
meantime behind, always wanted to do volunteer in Sichuan, merely for various reasons did not take location, this is also profoundly among ourselves. this semester is over, I'm prepared to work green union to do something, I wish my friends care approximately, favor participation in environmental conservation, I start from.

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